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We provide in-home Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy services. 

We understand the unique challenges faced by children with disabilities and their parents.  

We seek to provide support to the entire family throughout the therapeutic process.  

Our primary focus in providing in-home therapy services is to create experiences in the environment in which the child is most comfortable to produce positive change and improve function and quality of living.  We also strive to include the caregivers in the therapeutic process and encourage active participation. 

We appraise current research and utilize evidence based interventions to guide our practice.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy helps children improve their strength and mobility so that they can function in their lives.


Physical therapists address difficulties with gross motor delays and movement dysfunction.  Children may have problems in these areas due to difficulties at birth, an injury or accident, or problems with no known cause.

When working with children, Physical Therapists focus on developing appropriate gross motor skills, such as crawling, sitting, walking, stair climbing, jumping, climbing, ball skills, and bike riding skills.  In therapy, children participate in various play activities that help them improve their strength, balance, and coordination.  


Therapists also assess children for the need for braces, orthotics, and adaptive equipment to help them move more independently.


Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy seeks to help the child communicate their wants and needs through various means. 


Speech therapy helps children improve their communication skills so that they can express their wants and needs to their caregivers and peers.


Speech-language pathologists address difficulties with language skills (receptive and expressive), articulation skills (speech sound productions), fluency, and voice.  Children may have problems in communication due to difficulties at birth, an injury or accident, learned behaviors, developmental delays, or medical reasons.


Speech-language pathologists may use therapy strategies such as sign language, communication boards, picture schedules, or interactive participation activities to promote expansion of language skills.


During speech therapy for articulation, the child is made aware of what his oral motor mechanism needs to do to produce a particular sound.  The child develops an awareness of his lips, tongue, teeth, palates, and jaw in order to produce speech sounds.  Speech-language pathologists often use play-based approaches to help facilitate an increase in communication skills since children learn so much through play.  


The ultimate goal for a speech-language pathologist is to help a client communicate as functionally as possible in all environments. 

Speech Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy seeks to help the child improve their ability to participate in daily "occupations" or life activities.

Occupational Therapists help children prepare for and perform important learning and developmental activities by facilitating social skills development, motor development, emergent literacy, and development of adaptive and self care skills.


Occupational Therapists play a key role in training parents and caregivers about the development of children with diverse learning needs.  


Services address feeding skills, sensory processing, motor development, visual perceptual skills, assistive technology need and access, adaptive behavior and interactions between the child and the caregiver.

Occupational Therapy
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